Planting Grass: Planting Tips

Best Tips for Planting Grass

Best Tips for Planting Grass
planting grass

Whether starting from scratch with a brand new lawn or filling in patches in your lawn that maybe haven’t fared so well, a few tips on planting grass can help to get it done right the first time.

The first step to take when planting grass is to pick the type of seed to plant.   There are two classifications of grass seed:  cool season grass and warm season grass.  Northern states may do best with cool season grasses, which tolerate harsh winter conditions, but will discontinue growth if ground temperatures reach 85°.  In contrast, warm season grasses respond to summer weather by growing quickly but cannot survive cold, winter weather.  The type of grass chosen should correspond with the region and season where it will be planted.

Once the type of grass is chosen, the next step to planting grass is to choose the grass mix.  In both cool season and warm season grasses, there are several sub-categories that will determine the type of lawn will develop.  Kentucky bluegrass, fescue and bentgrass are in the cool season classification, while Bermuda and zoysia are warm season choices.  Keep in mind to buy seed with the current calendar year date shown; past year’s seed may not germinate as well.

The area where you are planting grass should be well prepared before laying the seed.  The following steps are those that should be taken after choosing the seed that is right for your region and lawn:

  1. Till the soil to about a 4” depth.
  2. Rake and remove any stones, twigs and other debris; level soil.
  3. Fertilize with a lawn fertilizer
  4. Water thoroughly.

Once these steps have been taken, planting grass seed can be done.  A grass spreader should be used; a piece of equipment that can be either purchased or rented.  Read the directions on the bag of seed, and sow the seed at the rate the manufacturer recommends.  After sowing, rake the soil lightly to just cover the seed, and tamp in slightly.  If birds are common in your area, spreading a light layer of straw over the seeded soil will prevent them from scavenging the seed.  Water the seeded area again using a gentle spray while being sure to water deeply.

Watering thoroughly every day after planting grass seed will help the seed to germinate.  Depending on the type of grass and the weather conditions at the time of planting, seeds should begin to grow with all areas seeing sprouts within three weeks.  Once the lawn has achieved a grass height of 2 ½ inches, mowing may begin.

Planting grass, either for a first time lawn or to cover bare areas in an existing lawn, will be a successful endeavor if just these few tips are followed.

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