Caring for Orchid Flower

 Orchid Flower

Caring for Orchid Flower

 Caring for Orchid Flower

Taking care of orchids mainly focuses on maintaining a balance of growth requirements such as light and water preferences as well as growth medium as stated below:

  1. Judging by the type of orchid that you choose you will know what amount of light intensity to subject it to. Take note, orchids are light hungry plants, you should therefore make sure your orchids are exposed to at least 12 hours of sunlight everyday all year long.
  2. Find out at which height should the orchid you intend to grow be planted at and its soil preference. The best way to do this is to consult an orchid horticulturalist. Alternatively, you can check on the internet.
  3. Grow your orchids in properly ventilated places. This is very important as it will ensure that the plants are exposed to adequate air and humidity.
  4. Orchids are known to thrive in quality soils. You should therefore make sure that the soil in which you intend to grow your orchids is rich of nutrients. Feel free to also fertilize the soil regularly as the orchids continue growing. Remember orchids tend to thrive best when the 30-10-10 special orchid fertilizer or urea free fertilizer that is soluble in water is applied.
  5. Water is an essential requirement for growth of plants. However, for orchids it is considered as a special requirement for growth. In such a case, make it a priority to adequately water your orchids. While doing this make sure the pot used has good drainage properties. Also make sure not to leave any stagnant water each time you finish watering.
  6. Despite being tropical plants closely monitor your orchids in the process making sure they are exposed to adequate temperature especially during night times (which are normally characteristic of temperature fall). This way the soil will remain moist round the clock.
  7. Create time to prune your orchid at given intervals preferably once every six months or at the start of a different season. This is important to give them the desired aesthetic shape. You will also be able to get rid of dead parts.

Finally, closely monitor your orchids as they grow. When you see them outgrowing the container they are in, repot them. Make sure you only use potting mediums with outstanding drainage properties.

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