Will Semeru erupt again in the near future? This says volcanologists

Mount Semeru in Lumajang, East Java, reportedly erupted Tuesday morning (1/12/2020),

 Residents in the vicinity of the area where the hot clouds and Mount Semeru passed were immediately evacuated.

 From the Semeru monitoring post it was noted that the activity of Mount Semeru increased in the early hours of one at 23 minutes.

 Mount Semeru immediately emitted hot clouds from the top of the dome with a sliding distance of 2 kilometers to 11 kilometers towards the village of Besuk Kobokan.

 The material for the eruption of Mount Semeru buried several heavy equipment and trucks in the stream of the besuk kobokan river.

 The residents were stunned to witness the eruption of Mount Semeru. Some of them were ready to use two-wheeled vehicles to take refuge in a temporary post.

 After the eruption, residents were advised not to move within a radius of 1 to 4 kilometers, from the slopes of the mountains in the south and southeast. Residents are also advised to be aware of the fall of the lava dome in the Jongring Seloko Crater, which is the area where the active crater of Mount Semeru opens.

 Even though it only has Alert Level II status, the activity of Mount Semeru is quite active. With the following occurrences:

 White and gray crater smoke was observed from the summit
 The ambient air temperature was recorded at around 19-32 degrees Celsius

 Sunny weather to rain, weak to strong winds to the north, northeast, east, south, southwest and west also occur in the volcano and its surroundings.

 Eruptions that occur continuously produce gray eruptive columns with a maximum height of 500 meters from the top of the crater or peak
 Rock avalanches and hot cloud avalanches originating from the tip of the lava tongue, with a maximum sliding distance of 1 kilometer to the southeast sector of the slope
 Eruptive earthquakes with an average of 40 events per day were recorded as the most dominating events on Mount Semeru.

 So, under these conditions, will Mount Semeru have a big eruption in the near future?

 Volcanologist Surono said that the possibility of a large eruption could not be ascertained based on Alert Level II status and the activity at Semeru volcano that occurred.

 "I think it's enough, the eruption this morning produced hot clouds, an eruption as far as 11 kilometers from the peak," said Surono, who is familiarly called Mbah Rono to Kompas.com, Tuesday (12/1/2020).

 Based on the monitoring of the Geological Agency of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Mitigation (PVMBG), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM), on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, starting at 01.23 WIB, hot clouds were observed falling from the top dome, with a sliding distance of 2 to 11 kilometers. towards Tomorrow Kobokan in the southeast sector from the summit of Mount Semeru.

 "Fortunately, early in the morning, if it is daytime, there is activity in the river, I can't imagine it," he said.

 Regarding the potential for hot bursts from the crater of Mount Semeru, Mbah Rono emphasized that this was impossible.


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