The Green Viper

Green Viper

Green Viper
Green Viper

The Green Viper or also known as the Sea Carcass Snake (Trimeresurus albolabris) is a species of venomous snake that lives in Indonesia.  Snakes from the Viperidae family have venom which is quite strong, although not lethal to humans.  The Green Tree Viper is a reptile and animal native to Indonesia.

 The Sea Carcass Snake or Green Tree Viper is medium sized with a maximum body length of 72 cm (male) and 94 cm (female).  The distinctive feature of this native Indonesian viver (bandotan) is the 10-13 cm long red longitudinal streak on its tail so it is often called the Red-tailed Green Snake.  It also has whitish or yellowish lips which make it called "albolabris" (albus means white and labrum means lips) or white-lipped tree viper and white-lipped pit viper.  And like various other types of bandotan, it has a triangular head.

 The head and dorsal (upper body) are green leaves with white and black patches on the skin under the scales of the front of the body which are only visible when feeling threatened.  The ventral (underside of the body) is bright yellow to pale yellow or greenish.

 Arboreal animals (a lot of activities in trees) and nocturnal animals (active at night).  Movement is less agile although when threatened it can move quickly and agile.  Often found living among the leaves and branches of shrubs and small trees up to 3 meters above the ground.

 The main diet of Sea Carcasses or Green Tree Vipers is toads and frogs, birds, lizards, and small mammals.  Ovovivivar reproduce (lay eggs), that is, the eggs hatch while still in the female's body so that they come out as young snakes.  In one childbirth, up to 25 children can be born.

 Although the movements are slow, they can be very aggressive if they feel threatened.  It even includes snakes that are easily irritated and often bite humans.  Usually not lethal but quite dangerous and can be fatal.  Usually is a hemotoxin that attacks the circulatory system.  Viver Green Tree Snake bites on humans cause intense pain and damage to the tissue around the bite wound.  Initially the area around the bite is swollen and dark red, followed by stiffness and pain that can be felt in the joints that are between the wound and the heart.  If not treated properly for several days, it can result in death, although it rarely happens.

 Inhabits tropical rainforest areas to the hills, rice fields, and around human settlements in lowland areas.  Its distribution area includes China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Indonesia (Java and Sumatra), Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.  It is believed that the Sea Carcass Snake (Trimeresurus albolabris) is not a rare reptile and is threatened with extinction.  Therefore, the IUCN Red List has been listed as a Least Concern species since 2010. In Indonesia, it is not a protected animal.

 Scientific Classification of Sea Carcasses.  Kingdom: Animalia.  Phylum: Chordata.  Class: Reptilia.  Order: Squamata.  Family: Viperidae.  Genus: Trimeresurus.Species: Trimeresurus albolabris Gray, 1842. 

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