Learn to relax

Learn to relax.
Learn to relax.

 Learn to relax.

  • Start today; set goals and develop a simple plan that will help you meet your goals.  Life is a school and each day we learn lessons that will last a lifetime.
  • If you’re considering a job change, check out professional organizations in your field to assist with networking.  Reduce stress at this critical time by having a positive attitude and believing in yourself.
  • Exercise regularly; this releases endorphins in your body and gives you more energy.  Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.  See 12 ways to secretly practice yoga at work
  • Good nutrition and eating a proper diet are critical to good health and living stress-free.
  • Rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
  • Start a garden.  Research has shown that people in the hospital recover much faster if a live plant is in their room.  Caring for and nurturing a living plant provides enjoyment and reduces stress.  See below ...
  • Prepare for life as you grow older.  People who feel their life is part of a larger plan and are guided by spiritual values have a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, lower risk of heart attack and other diseases and thereby live longer.  Live your life with Purpose and Change Your Life.  Invite God to be a part of your daily living.  He wants your life to be filled with peace and joy.
  • Managing life stress helps you achieve a higher level of spiritual harmony.  Research suggests that believing in a higher power can boost more than just the spirit – it reduces stress.
  • Watching a plant (or plants) grow is truly relaxing.  The nurturing you provide the plant releases the stress from your body.  It’s a good thing!

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